




       Model、Descriptions and Use scope


       Model 名 称

       Descriptions 使 用 范 围

       Use scope MHYV 煤矿用聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套通信电缆

       PE insulated PVC sheathed communication cables for coal mines 用于平巷、斜巷及机电硐室

       Served in levelslanted channels and power house MHJYV 煤矿用加强型线芯聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套通信电缆

       Reinforced core PE insulated PVC sheathed communication cables for coal mines 用于机械损伤较高的平巷和斜巷

       Served in level and slanted channels where mechanical damage is frequent MHYBV 煤矿用聚乙烯绝缘镀锌钢丝编织铠装聚氯乙烯护套通信电缆

       PE insulated galvanized steel wire weave armored PVC sheathed communication cables for coal mines 用于机械冲击较高的平巷和斜巷

       Served in level and slanted channels where mechanical damage is frequent MHYAV 煤矿用聚乙烯绝缘铝-聚乙烯粘护层聚氯乙烯护套通信电缆

       PE insulated Al/PE binding layer PVC sheathed communication cables for coal mines 用于较潮湿的斜井和平巷

       Served in level and slanted channels with high humidity MHYA32 煤矿用聚乙烯绝缘铝-聚乙烯粘结护       层钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套通信电缆

       PE insulated Al/PE binding layer steel wire armored PVC sheathed communication cables for coal        mines 用于竖井或斜井

       Served in shaft and slanted shaft

       使用特性 Service characteristics

       电缆长期允许工作温度 Long-term service temperature of the cable conductor -40℃-+50℃ 电缆敷设       温度 Cable laying temperature ≥-10℃ +25℃时环境相对湿度

       Environment relative humidity at 25℃ ≤95% 电缆的很小弯曲半径 Minimun bending radius MHYV及       MHJYV型电缆为电缆外径的10倍,其它型号为外径的15倍 10 times of the cable outer diameter of MHJYV        and 15times for the rest

       电缆规格 Specifications

       型 号

       Model 规 格

       Specifications 导体结构(根/直径)mm

       Conductor structure(number/diameter) MHYV 1x2、2x2、1x4、5x2 7/0.28 MHJYV 1x2、2x2 4/0.28铜线+3/0.28钢线 4/0.28

       copper wire +3/0.28 steel wire MHYBV 5x2、10x2、20x2 1/0.8 MHYAV 20x2、30x2、50x2 MHYA32 30x2、50x2、80x2

       电缆主要技术性能 Major technical performances

       1、电缆导体直流电阻及固有衰减 DC resistance of the conductor and Intrinsic attenuation

       型 号

       Model 20℃时导体直流电阻

       DC resistance of conductor at 20℃

       ≤Ω ( , /km) 固有衰减(800Hz)

       Intrinsic attenuation

       ≤( dB/km) MHYV 45 1.10 MHJYV 73 1.30 MHYBV MHYAV MHYA32 36.7 0.95

       2、电缆其它主要技术性能 Other major technical performances


       序 号

       Serial number 项目

       Items 技术性能

       Technical performances 1 +20℃线芯直流电阻(≤Ω/Km)

       Line core DC resistance at 20℃ 见上表 See above table 2 电缆固有衰减(≤dB/Km)

       Cable intrinsic attenuation 见上表 See above table 3 +20℃绝缘电阻(≥MΩ Km) Insulating resistance at 20℃ 3000 4 lmin工频交流电压试验

       lmin power frequency alternating current pressure test 1500V不击穿(50Hz)

       1500V Does not penetrate 5 远端串音衰减(≥dB/500)

       Far-end crosstalk attenuation 70(800Hz) 6 电感(≤μH/Km)

       Inductance 800(800Hz) 7 电缆工作电容(≤μF/Km)

       Cable service capacity 0.06(800Hz) 8 工作对直流电阻差(≤%环阻)

       DC resistance difference 2 9 单根垂直燃烧试验

       Combustion for single cable test MT386 10 成束燃烧试验

       Combustion for bunched cable test 符合GB/T18380标准中B类成束燃烧试验要求

       Conforms to GB/T18380 standard B kind becomes ties the burning test

